Sunday, October 26, 2008

1st Place!

So this last Tuesday we took Abby to a Halloween party at Pet Smart and she won first place for her costume! She was Dr. Barker (a vetrenarian) and Kevin and I were her about crazy pet owners! It got us first place though! She won a 20 dollar gift certificate to Pet Smart and a bunch of doggy treats. It was cute to see Abby dressed up and we can't wait to win first prize again next year!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Family Pictures

Today was such a beautiful day we just couldn't resist taking some pictures with the fall colors after church today. Here are a few....

Abby's Graduation!

That's right...our dog just graduated from doggy school! We put Abby in training about two months ago and she graduated last Thursday (with honors;). She can sit, stay, come, shake, do doggy push-ups, and greet people politely. ...sometimes! She's growing up so fast! She already weighs 41 pounds...and counting! We think she will get up to at least 50 lbs. I don't think we thought it through very home....golden retriever??....oh well, we couldn't help it! We fell in love with her the moment we saw her and haven't regreted it since!

Saturday, October 4, 2008


This is Abby! She is our golden retriever and we absolutely love her to death! She is so loving and will lick you all day long if she could! We have been taking her to training and she is doing pretty good. She even rings a bell when she needs to go out! She is so much fun to take on trips, except that she sometimes gets car sick. We went to Montrose last weekend for Kevin's cousins wedding reception and Abby wasn't feeling too well I guess because she threw up all over the back seat. Mean while, if anyone knows me, I get car sick...A LOT! So after smelling this I almost lost it! Luckily there was a gas station close by and we made it in time! Yikes!


This is Sadie. We got her in May, shortly after our first cat, Sydney died. A lady at my school was giving her away and I couldn't resist! She is so spunky! Its fun to watch the dog and her play. Abby always licks her to death so she is always dripping with slobber! They are so cute together!

Trip Home

This last month I got to go back home to Idaho for Tasha and Quinn's wedding. It was so great to see everyone! I missed you all so much! Kevin had to work unfortunately, but I appreciate him letting me go. The wedding was beautiful! And I was sooo happy to see my family! Everyone has grown so much! Especially my brothers! Man does time fly! I'm so proud of all my siblings and all they are doing. Joe and Port are playing football this year and it was fun to see them toss the ball around and beat up on eachother. I can't believe Joe is a senior this year! Jake is still as smart as ever and has really become more outgoing. Ashley still loves to talk and make people laugh. Will's love for dinosaurs hasn't stopped and probably never will. It is amazing to listen to him talk about them. He says he wants to be a paleontologists and he definetely could! He can tell you anything you want to know about dinosaurs and anything related to the subject. He cracks me up because he gets so serious when he talks about them, like they are still alive today! ;) Anyways, it was great to see everyone, especially my mom and dad. It is so weird living so far away from them. I really miss them!

Fishing at Black Canyon

Last weekend Kevin and I made another trip to Montrose, CO for his cousin Emily's wedding reception. It was great to get away from the noise and busy life of Denver and get up in the mountains. It was also Kevin's dad's birthday, so we went to Black Canyon and went fishing again! I love that place! It is so beautiful! But once again, we didn't catch a thing!- (If you remember, we went camping there in May and had fished for three days straight, and still no luck! We must be really bad at this or something;) -Kevins dad, Mark, did have some luck on his birthday though! He caught a 16 inch brown trout! He released it before we could take any pics though. All in all, we had a lot of fun and it was a great day!