Monday, April 28, 2008


We went deer hunting last fall in Craig. Kevin has been several times, but this was my first time and I shot my first buck! It wasn't too big, just a two point, but I was happy with it. Kevin's was quite a bit bigger than mine. We had a blast and can't wait to go again this year.

Our Story

So, you already know we met at BYU-Idaho, but I thought I'd tell you the whole story...We first met in the fall semester of 2005. It was my first year at college, and Kevin's third. We were in the same FHE (family home evening) group. I knew Kevin existed waaaaaaay before he knew who I was, (even though he denies it)! Anyways, we went that whole year without talking to eachother, but I could tell you everything about him...(I guess I was kind of a stalker;) He didn't know I existed until the following year, fall of 2006. One of his roommates invited me to go to the drive-in with him and a big group of people. Of course I went, hoping I'd see Kevin. I did see him, and we actually had our first conversation! (Even though I don't remember what it was about) I just remember thinking the whole time: 'I can't believe he is actually talking to me?.. Does he even know my name?' Anyways, I rode with him to the movie and we watched it from his truck bed. I remember I was wearing flip flops and my feet were cold, so he got me a (CLEAN) pair of socks from his truck. That was a little akward, but it worked I guess because the rest is history! We dated for a quick 11 days before we decided we loved eachother, and if we were in love, why not get married?! So it was a whole three weeks before he actually proposed. We went home to New Plymouth so that Kevin could meet my folks and ask for my dad's permission. (Talk about a lot of pressure!) My dad said "yes," and on the way back to Rexburg, we stopped at Malad Gourge and Kevin popped the question. He completely caught me off guard because I wasn't feeling very well and didn't really want to get out of the truck, and he had a sprained ankle from football at the time. I remember he was on crutches and hobbling really fast to the lookout point. When we got there, he handed me the camera to take a picture of the view and the ring was tied to the string on the camera. It was sweet! I said "Yes" and the rest is history! That's our story in a nut shell.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Day Trip

We took a day trip to Estes Park last October. It was soooo beautiful! You can't see it from the pic, but behind us is a gorgeous view of the valley.